Can I have two routers on my home network is a very popular search term. I assume that people are
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Home Network Topologies and Layouts For Complete Beginners
There are many different ways network nodes can be connected together. Common connection technologies used on home networks like Ethernet,
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A mobile router is a device that uses wireless to connect to the Internet. Generally the Internet connection will be
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What Is A Guest Network A guest network is a network that is separate from your main network and restricts
Continue reading10 Useful Linux (Raspberry Pi) Networking Commands
The networking commands are mainly used for getting network system information and troubleshooting networking problems. Here we look at the
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Multicast DNS is part of Zero-configuration networking (zeroconf) set of technologies designed to enable devices to work on networks without
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DNS (Domain name Service) is a service that provides domain name to IP address resolution for computers on the Internet.
Continue readingUnderstanding Home Networking Speeds
A home typical home network consists of many different components, such as: Wi-Fi Router Wi-Fi Extenders Homeplug adapters Ethernet cards
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Setting up a device on a home network sometimes requires that you manually enter an IP address. However an IP
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In the early days of networking splitting a network into segments required a router. VLANS or Virtual LANS is a
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